Blog entries by Andreas Blumauer

MAR 12th 2008

Today finally I logged in to Twine the first time. I was reading yesterday about some shortcomings of the system, so I was keen on trying out the system by myself to get my own impression.

It's true that the system isn't as easy to understand as or other bookmarking tools. It takes a while until you get used to all those additional ways you can navigate through the system. Remember: "Twine looks at content and parses it automatically for the names of people, places, organizations and other subject tags. Users are then able to navigate between related content, view recommended content and connect with recommended people with related interests."

Continue reading My First Experiences with Twine

FEB 13th 2008

While I am still waiting for an invitation from Twine (probably you too?) I have received one from Powerset - natural language search. Powerset obviously is a promising company (and is promising a lot), so I was excited when I was starting to play around with this new tool which still isn't available for the public.

Continue reading Natural Language Search - A New Breakthrough?

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